The government launched the 'Prime Minister Shram Yogi Man Dhan Yojana' (PM-SYM) for domestic workers, rickshaw pullers, laundresses and farm laborers as well as those working in the unorganized sector.
Under this scheme, the beneficiary will get a monthly pension of Rs. 3000 after 60 years, and in case of death of the pension recipient, the amount will be given to his / her spouse.
- Beneficiary under this scheme will have to pay a maximum of Rs After the age of 60, Rs 3,000 per month is directly credited to his account.
- The benefit will be given according to the contribution of the beneficiary
▪️ If you apply for this scheme at the age of 18, you will have to pay Rs. 55 per month (Rs. 660 per annum).
▪️ If you apply for this scheme at the age of 29, you will have to pay Rs. 100 per month (Rs. 1200 per annum).
In which after the age of 60 you will get a pension of Rs. 3000 per month.
Who can benefit?
- People working in the unorganized sector can benefit.
- People between the ages of 18 and 40.
- If your monthly income is Rs. 15000 and age is less than 40 years,
What evidence is needed?
- aadhar card
- Ration card
- Certificate of income
- Mobile number
- Photo
- Bank passbook
- Savings Bank Account / Jan-Dhan Account in
- IFSC Applicant's worker's card
Where to apply
- You need to go to the nearest CSC (Customer Service Center) center.